Department of Health and Exercise Science
EDU 3114

Instructors:     Dr. Peter Rattigan, Dr. Richard Fopeano
Time:             Tuesday, 5:30 - 7:15 pm
Phone:            On Campus: 3766; off campus: 256-4500 ext. 3766 (Dr. Rattigan);
                      On Campus: 3740; off campus: 256-4500 ext. 3740 (Dr. Fopeano)

Email:    ;
Office hours:   Before class on Tuesdays; By appointment: Use Blackboard discussion board, phone and email.  Remember, your primary Rowan contact person for student teaching during clinical practice is your Rowan supervisor.

Course Description and Rationale

This course is designed as a capstone course to prepare Health and Exercise Science teacher certification students to successfully teach health and physical education in the k-12 school setting.  Its purpose is to synthesize the pre service components of the teacher certification program, and to facilitate the transition into the profession.  The course runs concurrently with Clinical Practice (elementary and secondary).  This will provide senior students the opportunity to discuss and develop skills that promote integration, reflection, closure and transition into the profession.  Course content will be delivered through the filter of the National Association of Sport and Physical Education (NASPE) National Standards for Physical Education, the American Association for Health Education (AAHE) National Standards for Health Education, and the NJ Department of Education's Core Curriculum Content Standards for Comprehensive Health and Physical Education.

Course Goals

After taking this course, students will:
Course Content/Topical Outline

Course Activities


15% - Attendance (1 point per night)
10% - Weekly Blackboard postings
  5% - Class participation and demonstrated dispositions

  5% - Dispositions assignment
  5% - Sexuality/Family Life Education Assignment
  5% - Drug Education Assignment

  5% - Management Assignment
10% - Assessment: Impact paper I
% - Assessment: Impact Paper II
10% - Presentation
  5% - Teacher Preparation Survey
15% - Professional portfolio

Grading Scale
Points/%  Grade
94-100     A
90-93       A-
86-89       B+
83-85       B
80-82       B-
76-79       C+
73-75       C
70-72       C-
67-69       D+
63-66       D
60-62       D-
<60          F

Grading Rubrics  for specific assignments are posted on Blackboard

Course Evaluation

The course may be evaluated at the conclusion of each semester through student evaluations, teacher (self) evaluation, and classroom observations conducted by a qualified member of the Department of Health and Exercise Science.

Course Policies and Expectations

Dispositions:Your professional and personal dispositions are important.  Be the kind of student you would like to teach when you are out in the field.  Show up every day on time, be enthusiastic, work hard, help others, and set a high standard for yourself in all assignments.  These are dispositions you should be teaching to your future current and future students, and this class will help you continue to formulate ways to do that.  The concept of effective teacher dispositions will also be an important and integral part of the course.

Communication: You will be required to submit several assignments electronically, so be prepared to use Blackboard and email.  Communication to the whole class via the campus portal email system may be used on occasion, for important notices.  If you use your Rowan email account, you will receive these messages.  If you do not, you will need to forward your rowan email to the address you regularly use.  To do this, go to the campus portal link at and follow the instructions for forwarding email.  Do this RIGHT AWAY.    In this regard, also check the HOME PAGE of Web CT for important announcements.  A note on cell phones: if you bring them to class, please turn them off.  If there is an emergency situation for which you need your cell phone in class and turned on, please ask for permission to do this.  The same courtesy will be extended to you.

Honesty: You are EXPECTED in this (and every other class you take) to complete your work on your own, honestly and fairly, and to fully contribute to the group. Copying other people's papers, citing references that you did not use, plagiarizing an author's words and cheating on exams are some examples of dishonest practices that will at minimum cause you to fail the class. DO NOT CHEAT. If you are unsure about whether or not something is "legitimate" in a paper or project, discuss it with the instructor(s). Plagiarism occurs whenever you copy more than three words of someone else's text without directly quoting it or use someone else's ideas without giving them credit.  Rowan University has a very clear policy related to cheating, falsification, plagiarism, and facilitating academic dishonesty.  It can be reviewed at:

Accomodation Policy: Your academic success is important. If you have a documented disability that may have an impact upon your work in this class, please contact Dr. Fopeano or Dr. Rattigan. Students must provide documentation of their disability to the Academic Success Center in order to receive official University services and accommodations. The Academic Success Center can be reached at 856-256-4234. The Center is located on the 3rd floor of Savitz Hall. The staff is available to answer questions regarding accommodations or assist you in your pursuit of accommodations. We look forward to working with you to meet your learning goals

Late Work: Late assignments will be accepted, however there will be some point reduction. Illness, car problems, etc., are legitimate concerns, however there is no way of verifying them to waive penalties.  

Attendance: This class meets once per week.  Attendance is essential.  One point will be subtracted for each absence from class.  10 points are available for this part of the grade for the course.

Tardiness: It is disruptive to the class and the instructor when students arrive late. Please be on time!  If there is a legitimate reason for you to be late on more than one occasion, discuss it with the instructor(s). Repeated tardiness will lower your participation grade.  You will be considered tardy if you arrive more than 5 minutes late.

Personal Responsibility:

YOU are responsible for keeping up with your work and your grade in the class. If you are having concerns about anything in the class, communicate about it early.  Little can be done about a grade at the end of the semester! Class Cancellation: In case of bad weather or instructor illness, class may be canceled. To find out about class cancellations due to bad weather, Click here. Never assume that class is canceled.