Miox and Steri-pen Purifiers - ChE and ECE Majors Only (Individual)

No more than 5 page report on the Miox purifier (ChE) or the Steri-pen purifier (ECE). ChE majors write report on Miox purifier, ECE majors write report on Steri-pen purifier. Reports must be printed and stapled in the upper left-hand corner and have 2.5 cm margins on all sides. The type font must be 12 points. The line spacing should be double-spaced. Each page should be numbered (in Word, use Insert, Page Numbers).

Include the following:

Do not include:

Do not plagiarize! This means don't quote any source without putting the text in quotes in your paper and referencing the source. If you paraphrase, you don't need to use quotes, but you still need to reference the source.