Syllabus for Linear Algebra

Robinson Hall, Mathematics Department Room 229E
                   Phone:        256-4500 ext. 3888

OFFICE HOURS: MW 8:00 – 9:00 and TR 9:30 – 10:30 and by appointment

PREREQUISITE: Math-01.131 Calculus II, Math-03.150 Discrete Mathematics or Math-03.160 Discrete Structures, or permission of instructor.

CATALOG DESCRIPTION: This course includes: linear equations and matrices, vector spaces, linear dependence and independence, dimension and basis of a vector space, linear transformations, inner product and cross product, orthogonality, eigenvalues and eigenvectors.  Use of graphing calculators is required and computers may be used at the option of the instructor.

OBJECTIVES: The essential topics of linear algebra are prerequisite for many of the subsequent mathematics courses. In particular, certain linear algebra concepts are decidedly useful in multivariable calculus, differential equations and statistics. The purpose of the course is to provide an introduction to linear algebra at an elementary level to improve students' ability of abstract reasoning by its attention to mathematical proof.

TEXT:  Anton, H. and Rorres, C.   Elementary Linear Algebra: Applications Version, 11th ed., John Wiley and Sons.

SYLLABUS:   We will cover the following section from the text.

Chapter 1.        Systems of Linear Equations and Matrices

                                All sections will be covered.

Chapter 2.        Determinants

                                 All sections will be covered.

Chapter 3.       Euclidean Vector Spaces

                                All sections will be covered.

Chapter 4.       General Vector Spaces

                                All sections will be covered.

Chapter 5.        Eigenvalues, Eigenvectors

                               Sections 1 and 2 will be covered.

Chapter 6.        Inner Product Spaces

                               Sections 1, 2, and 3 will be covered.

 Chapter 8.        Linear Transformation and Matrices

                                Sections 1 and 2 will be covered.

Chapter 10.       Applications of Linear Algebra
                                Sections will be assigned as projects.

GRADING POLICY: Students will be graded based on four tests (80% of the total grade), homework (10%), and three Mathematica assignments (10% of the total grade). The dates for the tests will be announced in class at least a week in advance. The three tests will cover the following sections from the textbook.

Test 1:  (20% of total grades) covers Chapter 1

Test 2:  (20% of total grades) covers Chapters 2 and 3.

Test 3:  (20% of total grades) covers Chapter 4.

Test 4:  (20% of total grades) covers Chapters 5, 6 and 8.

Numerical grades will be converted to letter grades by the following scale.

A(A-) = 90 to 100, B(-,+)= 80 to 89, C(-,+)= 70 to 79, D(-,+)= 60 to 69, F= 0 to 59

ATTENDANCE: Students are expected to attend all classes and be on time. If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to study the section(s) covered and do the homework. If you are absent the day of a regularly scheduled test, a grade of zero is automatically recorded as your test score. You will be permitted to make up this zero only when you can confirm that you were absent for reasons beyond your control. In such cases, you must phone 256 - 4500 extension 3888 and leave a message for me including your name and phone number, the reason for your absence and the date you anticipate returning. Students who fail to leave the above information will be assigned the grade of zero for that test.

PASS NO CREDIT OPTION: There is no such option for this course. The grades I assign are A, B , C, D, F.

Cheating: Cheating on a test or assignment seriously undermines the integrity of the academic system and will not be tolerated. If I determine that a student has cheated, I will assign the grade of F for this course and send a letter to this effect to his advisor. Even though a student is not cheating, he or she is expected to refrain from actions which could be suspicious. Using common sense on your part should avoid unnecessary embarrassment.

Questions and Answers: The best time to ask questions is during class. Many times students fear that their questions will seem foolish, while in fact, many others also have the same question. I urge you to ask your questions during class. If you have questions that were not answered in class, you may stop by my office during   my office hours.  

HOMEWORK: Homework problems are due two days after the section is covered and are available on the course’s Blackboard page

MATHEMATICA ASSIGNMENT: You can access Mathematica handout and project problems form the course’s Blackboard page