Dr. Abdul Hassen

Office:  Robinson Hall, Mathematics Department 229E

Phone: (856) 256-4500 ext 3888. e-mail:

Offiice Hours:  by appointment

Text:   Axler, Sheldon, Precalculus: A Prelude to Calculus, 2nd Edition

Prerequisite:  Intermediate algebra or its equivalent.

Calculator:    Graphic calculator will be required. I will use TI-89. You can use any graphing calculator but I highly recommend that you use TI-89.

Objectives:    At the end of this course, students will demonstrate the ability to: 
i) perform different operations involving algebraic expressions including exponential expressions, 
ii) graph linear and quadratic functions, 
iii) solve equations and inequalities algebraically and graphically, 
iv) graph polynomial, rational, algebraic, exponential and logarithmic functions, 
v) solve exponential and logarithmic equations, and apply exponential and logarithmic models.
vi) trigonometric functions and their properties as well as their applications.

Contents:  From the text will cover chapters 0 to 6

Grading Policy: Your final grades will be determined by your results on three tests, final exam, homework assignments and class participation. Thus attendance will be very important.   The dates for each test will be announced in class two weeks before the test date. The materials covered in the three tests and tentative dates are below.

Test 1 (16% of the total grade)           Chapters 0 and 1 (Date 6/1)
Test 2 (16% of the total grade)           Chapter 2 (Date 6/9)
Test 3 (16% of the total grade)           Chapter 3 (Date 6/16)
Test 4 (16% of the total grade)           Chapter 4(Date 6/22)
Test 5 (16% of the total grade)           Chapters 5 and 6 (Date 6/25 or 6/26)

The remaining 20% of the grade will be from the homework and class participations. The letter grade assignment will be as follows:

A (-)= 90 to 100   B(-,+) = 80 to  89    C(-,+) = 70 to 79     D(-,+)= 60 to 70     F=  0 to 59 

Homework:You should realize that the only way to learn Mathematics is by DOING Mathematics. Thus, I highly recommend that you do at LEAST all odd numbered problems of the sections we cover in class.  A list of assignment problems from the text will be given. These are the problems you will submit for the 20% of your grade. The due dates will be announced in class. As a general rule, you should complete the homework problems within a week after we finish the section.  

Attendance Policy: Attendance is mandatory. An attendance sheet will be passed around at the beginning of each class period. Please write your signature next to your printed name on the list. If you are absent/tardy from a class, you must submit a note requesting that the absence/tardiness be excused by the next class meeting. Each student is allowed a total of three unexcused absences/tardies (combined). If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to study the section(s) covered and do the homework. If you are absent the day of a regularly scheduled test, a grade of zero is automatically recorded as your test score. You will be permitted to make up this zero only when you can confirm that you were absent for reasons beyond your control.  In such cases, you must telephone 256-4500 extension 3888 (or send me an e-mail) and leave a message including your name and telephone number, the reason for your absence and the date you anticipate returning. Students who fail to leave the above information will be assigned the grade of zero for that test.

Academic Honesty: Cheating on a test or assignment seriously undermines the integrity of the academic system and will not be tolerated.  If I determine that a student has cheated, I will assign the grade of F for this course and send a letter to this effect to his advisor.  Although a student is not cheating, he or she is expected to refrain from actions that could be suspicious.  Using common sense on your part should avoid unnecessary embarrassment. You may visit the website for more information on Academic Integrity policy at Rowan University

Classroom rules: · Students will abide by Rowan's student code of conduct and policy on academic honesty. Improper behavior will not be tolerated. Students are not permitted to leave the classroom during class period except for emergencies or unless prior arrangements have been made with the instructor. Please use the restrooms before class begins.

Students with Disabilities and Special Needs: Please speak with me as early in the semester as possible so that we can make appropriate accommodations for you. If necessary, you can also contact the Office of Special Services.

Questions in Class: The best time to ask questions is during class. Many times students fear that their questions will seem foolish, while in fact, many others also have the same question.  I urge you to ask your questions during class. If you have questions that were not answered in class, you may stop by my office during my office hours.