Dr. Cristina Iftode

Spring 2011


Biology 2 is organized to emphasize an experimental, inquiry-based strategy, moving farther away from a content-intensive, faculty-centered approach to deliver information. Each lecture will be an active learning environment, where students will do problem-solving activities and work in groups on applying genetics knowledge they gained by reading the assigned materials before coming to class. Short presentations by the students will outline their approach and conclusions, and will be open for further discussion.

The focus of this course is on understanding the principles of genetics and developing the ability to critically evaluate data, rather than just memorizing facts. To engage, interest and motivate students, the course will discuss the landmark research experiments that have contributed to our current knowledge of genetics. In addition, case studies that address the implications and applications of genetics will be used as instructional tools.

All course materials are available on the Blackboard 9.1.

Previously taught courses