Early Career Grant

The Environmental Engineering Division of ASEE is pleased to announce the inception of the Early Career Grant. Recipients of this grant will be registered for the conference free of charge, and will be guests at the Environmental Engineering Division Dinner.

Eligibility Criteria

- Applicant will be in a tenure-track position as of August 30, 2011.

- Applicant will be un-tenured as of August 30, 2011.

- Applicant teaches at any 2- or 4-year University that offers at least one environmental engineering course.

- A member of the Environmental Engineering Division

The abstract and paper must be submitted to the Environmental Engineering division.

Selection Criteria

A single recipient will be selected based on the paper submitted. A selection committee will judge the paper based on its ability to positively impact environmental engineering education.

Application Process

To apply, simply ensure that the last line of the abstract contains the following sentence:

"I am eligible for the Environmental Engineering Division Early Faculty Grant."

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Environmental Engineering
Program Chair (Dr. Kauser Jahan) at jahan@rowan.edu


2014 Not Awarded

2013 Dr. Youngwoo (Young) Seo,Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Toledo, Ohio 

2012 Dr. Sudarshan Kurwadkar, Assistant Professor, Department of Engineering and Physics,Tarleton State University

2011 Dr. Isaac W. Wait, Assistant Professor of Engineering and Computer Science, Marshall University, West Virginia

2010 Nicole Berge,Assistant Professor at University of South Carolina.

2009 Not Awarded

2008. Dr. Brent Houchens, Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Rice University

2007. Dr. Ann Brady, Director of the Scientific & Technical Communication Program, Michigan Technological University at Houghton.

2006. Dr. Richard Ciocci, Mechanical Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University Harrisburg, Middletown, PA.

2005. Dr. Kevin Bower, Civil and Environmental Engineering, The Citadel, Charleston , South Carolina.

2004 Dr. David Pines, Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Hartford, Hartford, Connnecticutt

2003 Dr. Angela R. Bielefeldt, Department of Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering, University of Colorado , Boulder, CO.

2002 Dr. Joseph Orlins, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Rowan University, Glassboro, New Jersey.