REMEMBER:  Each coaching session should include the four components, the four stages of practice, PCP, and LLL :

These drills all include small sided games which emphasize passing and good control, maximum touches and game-like pressure.  The variations were presented as days of the week.  The basic field is a medium size field, perhaps half a soccer pitch.  Numbers below assume a squad of 14 or 15:

Monday: "2 Goals" (7 vs. 7)
Have teams focus on passing, communication, getting open, forming triangles for passing options, etc.  Keep the goals small - no goalies.  Let players figure out strategy solutions.  Ask them questions (what gives you the best passing options?  When are you open?  Who's on first?).  Coach during rest/water breaks

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Figure 8.  Set up for 7 vs 7

Tuesday:  "No Goals" (7 vs. 7 - 7 Passes)
This forces focusing on passing, communication and running off the ball.  Take the goals away: teams score a "goal" every time they connect on 7 consecutive passes (or 6, or 5, depending on the skill of the players) look for lots of movement off the ball, lots of communication, support, and maximum use of playing area.  If the ball goes out of bounds, a free pass from that point is given to the other team.

Wednesday: "4 Goals" (7 vs. 7)
This game encourages using the width of the pitch to spread the defence.  Teams can score in either of the two goals on their designated offensive end.  Rules are similar to the 2 vs. 2 game from the related phase.

Thursday: "3 Goals" (5 vs. 5 vs. 5)
This is a game of speed, wits, cunning and team strategy and communication.  The rules are similar to sideline soccer.  The players from each team are numbered 1 through 5 and stand behind the goal they are to defend.  The coach calls out a number and that number person from each team rushes out to get the ball which the coach has tossed in to play.  The player who gets to the ball first then tries to score in either of the other two goals.  This continues until a goal is scored or enough time has elapsed to call another number (say, 30 seconds).  The coach may call out more than one number at a time, up to all 5.  The coach needs to start off with a lot of soccer balls.

                                                                                                                                            Goals (3)
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   •                                                • Goals (4)

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                        A                                                                                    B
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Figure 9.  Set up for 4 goal 7 vs. 7 (A),  and 3 goal 5 vs. 5 vs. 5 (B)

Friday: "No Goals - Freeze Tag"
This is a fun tag game with many variations.  All players start play in a medium - large square.  Half the players have a ball and try to tag the other half by hitting them with the ball below the knee with a friendly kick... A runner freezes with legs astride when tagged and is unfrozen when another runner crawls under them between their feet.  Switch taggers and runners each minute.

Variations: "Poison tree" - all players have a ball, half are taggers.  Tagged players freeze in similar position holding the ball above their heads.  They are unfrozen when another player dribbles the ball between their legs; in other variations players can be unfrozen by performing a skill with another player which has been emphasized in practice that day, e.g., heading, two- touch/pass back in the air from a feed, three quick passes, etc.