Learning experiences are the "bread and butter" of your unit, the lesssons.  This is a general but comprehensive description of the types of activities students will be participating in which fullfil the educational objectives.  Learning experiences include fitness activities, warm up and cool down activities, skill development activities, lead up games, games, and closing activities (sound familiar?)  You do not need to describe each activity in detail, but you should provide the reader with an accurate picture of the daily activities in which the students will participate.
Other activities you may wish do describe are classroom activities, wet weather alternatives if you have an outdoor team sport which will need modifications for indoors, and other learning experiences which may be considered as "outside the box."

On the sample unit plan, Karrie has included a general plan and a daily breakdown of her 6 gymnastics lessons.  You could do it this way, or you could choose to provide an overview of learning experiences (which would look like a lesson plan, but each component would cover 10 lessons, so be brief.  Also, it would not need to include objectives or assessment since those come elsewhere in the unit plan).  TEAM SPORTS STUDENTS: PLAN FOR 10 LESSONS; EPEA STUDENTS, PLAN FOR 6 LESSONS