Geographic Information Science II
Spring 2010

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Geographic Information Systems II begins with a review of GIS concepts and capabilities. The course then moves to a consideration of the inner workings of GIS by exploring a sample of raster and vector mode cartographic data structures, and by examining the workings of computational algorithms used in GIS analysis. Finally, the course explores more advanced analysis and quality control techniques. Students learn the workings of GIS through lectures, demonstrations, and computer laboratory sessions. Student evaluation is based on performance on examinations and projects.

Office Hours

My office hours are 2:30-4:30PM on Wednesdays and by appointment.

Attendance Policy

Attendance is mandatory. Points will be deducted from your participation grade if you are absent. Considerable and habitual lateness will also negatively impact your participation grade.

There will be no individual rescheduling of the Mid-Term Exam or Final Presentation. You must make arrangements with me in advance of the mid-term and final periods if you are unable to attend.

I will not submit an incomplete grade if you are absent for either the Mid-Term or Final. If you request an extension via an incomplete grade, it must be in writing by the end of the semester. If you are absent due to an illness, you must provide a note from the hospital.


Longley, Goodchild, Maguire and Rhind. Geographic Information Systems and Science. Second Edition.
(ISBN 047087001X) - Publisher's Site

I will also provide you with laboratory materials required to complete assignments.

Course Work

Lab Exercises30%
Final Project30%
Class Participation10%

Computer Lab Exercises

All assignments due the week after assigned. Not accepted after three weeks past due date. Submitted via Bb-CT.

Grading of Lab Exercises

Meets expectations8 points
Exceeds expectations9 points
Outstanding, especially innovative10 points
Minor errors6-7 points
Major errors2-5 points
2 points subtracted for each week past due date on syllabus.

Mid-term Exam

The Mid-Term will assess your knowledge of GIS data and analysis through multiple choice, short answer and essay questions. You will be expected to use the ArcGIS software during the Mid-Term to create a map. The Mid-Term exam will be scheduled to take place before Spring Break.

Final Project

Your final project for this course will be data of your own creation. You will create this data through air photo interpretation, GPS observations or synthesis and analysis of existing GIS data. During the final exam period, you will present your data to the class, provide an explanation of the data and its creation, and answer questions from the class.

What you will provide at the final exam period:

It is encouraged that you do the following:

USB Drive

A USB drive will be required for this course. They are available through the Rowan University Bookstore, but you are not required to purchase one from there. You must have at least 1GB of space available on the drive for this class.

Lectures, Labs & Materials

Unit 1: Introduction to Web-based GIS TechnologiesLectureAssignment • Read Chapters 1 & 2, skim 18

Unit 2: Data Types and OpenStreetMapLectureAssignment • Read Chapter 11 & OSM Data Primitives

Unit 3: Data Types, Storage and ProcessingLectureAssignment • Read Chapters 3, 8 & 9

Unit 4: Geoprocessing and ModelBuilderLectureAssignment • Read Chapters 14 & 16

Unit 5: The GeodatabaseLectureAssignment • Read Chapter 10

Unit 6: Representing RealityLectureAssignment • Read Chapters 4, 13, Coastline & Sorites paradoxes.

Unit 7: UncertaintyLectureAssignment • Read Chapter 6

Mid-Term. Units 1-7 will be covered on the Mid-Term.