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Ø      Spring    2019        CHEM 08410                          Biochemistry

 CHEM 08510             Advanced Survey of Mol. Modeling Methods

 CHEM 08410                         Survey of Mol. Modeling Methods

 BINF07501                             MS Thesis Research 1

 BINF07502                             MS Thesis Research 2

 BINF07503                             MS Thesis Research 3

 BMS01230                             Translational Biomedical Research I

 BMS01330                             Translational Biomedical Research III


Ø    Summer 2018        BINF07501                             MS Thesis Research I

 CHEM07348                           Biochemistry


Ø      Spring  2017          BMS01230                              Translational Biomedical Research II

 BMS01330                             Translational Biomedical Research IV

 CHEM08305                           (Advanced) Biophysical Chemistry


Ø      Fall      2017          BMS01105                               Introduction to Biomedical Sciences I

 BMS01220                             Translational Biomedical Research I

 BMS01320                             Translational Biomedical Research III

 CHEM07595/CHEM07399     Bioinformatics-Biochemistry Applications

 CHEM08305/CHEM08505     (Advanced) Biophysical Chemistry 

Ø Summer 2017        BINF07501                              MS Thesis Research I

 CHEM07348                           Biochemistry


Ø      Spring  2017          BMS01230                              Translational Biomedical Research II

 BMS01330                             Translational Biomedical Research IV

 CHEM08305                          (Advanced) Biophysical Chemistry

                              CHEM08510/CHEM08410      Survey of Molecular Modeling Methods


Ø      Fall      2016          BMS01105                             Introduction to Biomedical Sciences I

 BMS01220                             Translational Biomedical Research I

 BMS01320                             Translational Biomedical Research III

 CHEM07595/CHEM07399     Bioinformatics-Biochemistry Applications

 CHEM08305/CHEM08505     (Advanced) Biophysical Chemistry 


Ø      Spring  2016         CHEM07548/07348                (Advanced) Biochemistry

 CHEM08510/CHEM08410     Survey of Molecular Modeling Methods

 BMS01230                             Translational Biomedical Research II

 BMS01110                             Introduction to Biomedical Sciences II


Ø      Fall 2015              CHEM07348                            Biochemistry

CHEM07595/CHEM07399      Bioinformatics-Biochemistry Applications

BMS01220                              Translational Biomedical Research I

BMS01105                              Introduction to Biomedical Sciences I


Ø      Spring 2015          CHEM08410/08510                Survey of Molecular Modeling Methods

CHEM06101                           General Chemistry II (two sections)


Ø      Fall  2014             CHEM06100                            General Chemistry I

CHEM07595/CHEM07399      Bioinformatics-Biochemistry Applications


Ø      Spring 2014          CHEM06100                           General Chemistry I

CHEM07348                           Biochemistry


Ø      Fall 2013              CHEM08410                           Survey of Molecular Modeling Methods

CHEM07348                           Biochemistry

Tips for study:

Probability theory by Prof. Wenbo Li (Math: Tackle analytical problems using probabilistic approach, Sufficient condition for  defining probability: the whole state space is closed and the number of state is countable! Group theory can be used to generate the states. Statistically independence VS mean field approximation)

Chemometrics by Prof. Steven D. Brown (Data-base/knowledge based predictive modeling, correlation)

Electronic structure theory by Prof. Jack Simons (Quantum Mechanism: HF-->MP2-->CCST(T), DFT, Feynman PI/probabilistic approach, wave-nature of electron)

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (Molecular structure in solution, RDC, Karplus equation, NOE)

Introduction to Modern Statistical Mechanics by David Chandler (Boltzmann statistics: conservation of energy)

Poisson-Boltzmann equation (Continuum Electrostatics, Gauss law: charge is conserved)

Message Passing Interface (MPI) programming (Parallel/high performance programming, divide & conquer)

Organic/biochemistry/molecular biology (Context)

Experimental techniques such as Ion-mobility mass spectroscopy, NMR, CD, Fluorescence ( Check theoretical predictions, provides new fields for MD simulations)



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This site was last updated 05/12/19