0908.342 Water Resources - Web Guide Assignment
Dr. Everett
Spring 1999

If you can explain a concept, then you probably understand it.  Furthermore, an important component of many engineering jobs is communication.  As part of this class, teams of three students will create a web based guide. This is part of a larger effort at Rowan University to create web based guides for engineering courses.

The guides created by this class will be used to help engineering undergrads understand important water resources topics.  An engineering junior should be able to work through your guide in less than half an hour, and upon completion better understand the topic.  The document can include text, pictures, figures, graphs, animation, links to other web sites, links to a computer application (e.g., that allow users to work through example problems), example problems, etc.

Completion of this assignment involves the following activities:

Information on each activity and deadlines are given below, after a description of the grading policy and a warning about copyright infringement.

Grading Policy
The maximum number of points you can get on this assignment is 100.  There are 11 deadlines.  Each time you meet a deadline (turn in the assigned work by the assigned deadline) your group will receive 5 points.  Thus, you can get 55 points simply by turning in work on time.  However, to receive the points, the work must meet a minimum standard (set by me).  The remaining portions of the grade are assigned as follows. Please note that this assignment is worth 5 % of your grade.  Thus, the level of effort should be approximately equivalent to one third of your homework effort.  Keep this in mind in determining your level of effort.

Copyright infringement
I prefer that you create the items contained your guide. You can copy public domain files, pictures, etc. (e.g., on a government web site) as long as you identify the source;  however, for non-public domain items you must get the owner's permission before you can publish their material in your guide.  I will make a digital camera available to assist you in creating your own material..


Select Group - January 13
There will be 6 groups of three.  The class will select the group forming method during the first class (Basically, do I pick or do you self-select groups?).  Groups will be selected on January 13.

Select Topic - January 15
A list of topics is given in the table at the end of this document.  A sign up sheet will be placed on my office door on January 13.  Topic selection is first come first serve.  You must select a topic by June 15, before 5 PM.

Learn how to make web documents - January 14
We will meet in the third floor computer lab at 8:30 am.  I will discuss web page creation with Netscape.  You may use other software (Explorer, Word,...) if you wish.  If you want Netscape on your computer you may need to use Microsoft Internet explorer to access the Netscape web site and download Netscape communicator.  I will concentrate on the basics:  targets, links, equations, inserting pictures, etc.  Note you will receive a template to use in creating your guide.

Read assigned readings - January 22
A list of assigned readings is provided with the list of topics. You must meet with me before 5 PM January 22 to acknowledge that you have read the assigned material.  Please don't wait until the last minute! Together, we will discuss preliminary ideas for the guide, define a reasonable scope, and determine if you need additional readings.

Identify related web sites - January 28
Email me an annotated list of web sites by 5 PM.  Indented below each web site description (title and URL), write one or two sentences describing why it might be an appropriate link in your guide. At the bottom of the document, indicate how you identified the web sites by providing specific search information.

Submit first draft of web guide - February 4
Before 5 PM, email me the htm file(s) that make up your guide.  Also send your file(s) to a group--identified by me--for critique.

Critique one other student group's guide - February 11
Before 5 PM, email your critique to the appropriate group and myself.  Each critique should be a group effort (you and your partners).  It should be no more than 1 page, single spaced.  The critique should be constructive.  Its goal is to help groups improve their guides.

Present second draft to the class - February 18 and March 4
Three groups will present on the 18th;  however all groups should be ready to present.  Each group will have 20 minutes total.  Allow approximately 15 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for questions.

Critique another student group's guide - February 18 and March 4 and 11
I will assign each group a second critique. This critique will be based on your observation of the presentation made in class on February 18 or 25.  Email your critique to the appropriate group and myself by 5 PM on March 11.

Submit final version of web guide - March 25
Email the final version by 5 PM on March 25.  I will put the guides on the course web page so they can be used to study for tests.

Self evaluation - April 1
Each group should submit a signed and dated group self evaluation by 5 PM on April 1.  You have two options:  (a) simply indicate the percent effort contributed by each member (the total effort of the group members must add up to 100 %) or (b) split the project into sub-tasks (of your choosing) and indicate a percent effort for each task. If you can't agree, provide separate evaluations (however, each member must sign each evaluation).

Topics and assigned readings
Assigned readings
Estimating flow in pressure conduits
11.1-2 (see also - Fluid Mechanics: 8.5, 8.11-15)
Pipe networks (estimating flow and pressure)
5.2-.3 (see also - Fluid Mechanics: 8.29) 
Design of Water Distribution systems (Materials, appurtenances, elevated storage...)
Flood and rainfall probability
5.2-3, 5.9-10
Urban Runoff Prediction (Rational Method,...)
3.11, 18.9
Design of storm sewers