
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Harriet Hartman: Professor, Sociology









Sociology for "Scientific" Eyes
Culture: Bibliography


A. World Views, ontology

Cairncross, F. 2001. Death of Distance. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Business School.

Cybersociology is a non-profit multi-disciplinary webzine dedicated to the critical discussion of the internet, cyberspace, cyberculture, and life online. Authors include students, professors, published writers, and experts within their fields.

Fausto-Sterling, A. 1993. “The five sexes: why male and female are not enough.”

The Sciences. March/April: 20-25.

Fausto-Sterling presents the argument that the Western notion of two sexes does not encompass those who are truly intersexual: the true hermaphrodite, the male pseudohermadphrodite, and the female pseudohermadphrodite.

Griswold, W. 1994. Technology, community, and global culture. Cultures and Societies

in a Changing World: 138-153.

Using territorial and relational perspectives of community in a global culture, Griswold examines the complex connections among technology, community, and globalization.

Kuhn, Thomas. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. University of Chicago Press.

Kumar, Alok & R. Brown. 1999. “Teaching Science from a World-Cultural View Point.”

Science as Culture 8(3): 357-74.

Discusses world-wide sources of Western science.

MacKenzie, Donald and Judy Wajcman (eds). 1999. The Social Shaping of Technology,

2nd edition. Open University Press.

Great collection of essays on how technology is shaped by society and social issues, and applications to military technology, technology in the home, and the economy.

Sztompka, Piotr. (ed) 1997. On social structure and science. U of Chicago Press.

Collection of R.K. Merton’s works.

Postman, Neil.1993. Technopoly : The Surrender of Culture to Technology. Vintage Books.

Sappol, M. 2003. The anatomical mission to Burma. Science, 302 (5643): 232-233.


Sappol charts the changes in the perception of the self that resulted from the anatomical evangelism of a small few.

Sardar, Ziauddin. 2001. “Waiting for rain”. New Scientist December 15:50-51.

Discusses effect of fundamentalism on Islamic science.

Allot, R. 1994. The pythagorean perspective: The arts and sociobiology. Journal of Social

and Evolutionary Systems, 17(1): 71-90. Online

Allot posits questions regarding cultural development -- the production of music, literature, visual artifacts, mathematical thought – as a Darwinian process.

Gamwell, L. 2003. Beyond the visible—microscopy, nature, and art. Science, 299

(5603): 49-50. Online

Culture, Science: Gamwell discusses how the advent of the microscope inspired the inclusion of microorganisms in Art Nouveau designs.

Liebes,T. and E. Katz.1990. The Export of Meaning:Cross-Cultural Readings of

Dallas.OxfordUniversity Press.

Lessig, L. 2004. Free culture: How big media uses technology and the law to lock down

culture and control creativity. NY: Penguin Press.

B. Norms

Amitay, Einat. 2001.”Trends, Fashions, Patterns, Norms, Conventions…and Hypertext

Too”. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 52(1): 36-43.

Describes the theoretical approach behind the InCommonSense system used for writing Hypertext.

Babbie, E. 1996. “We Am a Virtual Community.” American Sociologist Spring:65-71.

Bainbridge, W. S. 2003. Privacy and property on the net: Research questions. Science,

302 (5651): 1686-87. Online

Recognizing that the values of privacy and property are based upon societal norms, Bainbridge poses “Net” related personal vulnerability and intellectual property issues that social and information scientists need to explore.

Burnett, Gary & L. Bonnici, 2003. “Beyond the FAQ: Explicit and implicit norms in Usenet

newsgroups,” Library & Information Science Research 25:333-351.

Kelly,Gregory &C.Chen,1998. “The Sound of Music: Experiment,discourse, and writing of

science as sociocultural practices”. Paper presented at the annual meeting of American Educational Research Association, San Diego, April.

Miller, D.W. 1999. Sociology, not engineering, may explain our vulnerability to technology

disaster. Chronicle of Higher Education. Online

In studying meltdowns, plane crashes, and chemical leaks, scholars blame high-risk cultures, unpredictability, and even 'safety' measures.

Shorett, P., P. Rabinow & P.R. Billings, 2003. ”The changing norms of the life sciences”

Nature Biotechnology 21, 123 - 125 (2003).

C. Values

Conrad, P. 1986. The social meaning of AIDS. Social Policy, Summer: 51-56.

The author examines the social and cultural meanings and interpretations that cultures use to develop social attitudes, images, and social reactions to AIDS.

Eckdahl, Todd. And Edward Malone. 2001. “Technology and Society: Redeining Human

Life, Characterizing Life in the Age of Modern Technology.” Journal of College Science Teaching. XXX (4):262-6.

Kline, Ronald. 2001/2002. “Using History & Sociology to Teach Engineering Ethics.” IEEE

Technology and Society Magazine Winter, pp. 13-20.

Magill, G. ed. 2004. Genetics and ethics: an interdisciplinary study. Saint Louis: Saint

Louis University Press.

Essays included examine the ethical, legal, and social implications of genetics, as well as the effects on the law, business, reproduction, and health care.

Morse, J., Young, D. E., & Swartz, L. 1991. Cree Indian healing practices and western

health care: a comparative analysis. Social Science and Medicine, 32.

This article reveals the differences between the healing practices of the Cree to those of Western culture.

Science Magazine. Essays on Science and Society. Online

In monthly Essays on Science and Society, Science features the views of individuals from inside or outside the scientific community as they explore the interface between science and the wider society.

Smith, Mick. 2001. “The Face of Nature: Environmental Ethics and the Boundaries of

Contemporary Social Theory.” Current Sociology 49 (1): 49-65.


Rowan University | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences | Department of Sociology