Alpacas at Machu Picchu, Peru
Suffix (-q/-pa)

1. The suffix, "-q/-pa", is the genitive and marks the possessor. "-q" is added to possessors ending in a vowel (and occasionally "-qpa"). If the possessor ends in a consonant, "-pa" is added. When "-q/-pa" is added onto the ends of personal pronouns, possessive pronouns are the result.

e.g. Noqaq = mine
(noqa = 1st person singular subject pronoun "I")(-q = possessor)

e.g. Qanpa = yours
(qan = 2nd person singular subject pronoun "you")(-pa = possessor)

e.g. Noqaq wasiy = my house
(noqa = 1st person singular subject pronoun "I")(-q = possessor)(wasi = "house")(-y = 1st person singular possessed)

e.g. Paypa wasin = his house
(pay = 3rd person singular subject pronoun "he/she")(-pa = possessor)(wasi = "house")(-n = 3rd person singular possessed)

e.g. Noqanchispa takinchis. = (all of) our song
(noqanchis = 1st person plural inclusive subject pronoun "we")(-pa = possessor)(taki = "song")(-nchis = 1st person plural inclusive possessed)

e.g. Paykunaq michinku = their cat
(paykuna = 3rd person plural subject pronoun "they")(-q = possessor)(michi = "cat")(-nku = 3rd person plural possessed)

e.g. Noqaq mamaypa wasin = my mom's house
(noqa = 1st person singular subject pronoun "I")(-q = possessor)(mama = "mother")(-y = 1st person singular possessed)(-pa = possessor)(wasi = "house")(-n = 3rd person singular possessed)



1. Fill-in the suffix

2. Multiple choice

3. Matching

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