Alpacas at Machu Picchu, Peru
Suffix (-si/-s)

1. This suffix, realized as "-si" following a consonant and as "-s" following a vowel, may be used as a reportative or (possibly) to indicate doubt. Its use as a reportative shows that the information being reported was acquired by second-hand experience. In other words, the information being reported was not witnessed or experienced directly by the speaker. The question of whether this suffix may independently indicate doubt on behalf of the speaker as to the truth of the information being reported is under debate. This suffix may be added onto words of all grammatical categories: nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc. This suffix may be translated in English as "They say that…", or "It is said that…". "-si/-s" is in opposition with "-mi/-n".

e.g. Paqarinsi tususunchis. = (They say that) tomorrow we will dance.
(paqarin = "tomorrow") (-si = reportative "they say") (tusuy = "to dance") (-sunchis = 1st person plural inclusive future tense conjugation.)

e.g. Marías sutin. = (They say) her name is María.
(-s = reportative "they say") (suti = "name") (-n = 3rd person singular possessed "her")

e.g. Wasiykipis tusunki. = (They say) you dance in your house.
(wasi = "house") (-yki = 2nd person singular possessed "your") (-pi = locative "in") (-s = reportative "they say") (tusuy = "to dance") (-nki = 2nd person singular present tense conjugation)

e.g. Payqa allintas takin. = (They say) she/he sings well.
(pay = 3rd person singular subject pronoun "he/she") (-qa = topic marker) (allin = "good") (-ta = adverbalizer) (-s = reportative "they say") (takiy = "to sing") (-n = 3rd person singular present tense conjugation)


1. Fill-in the suffix

2. Multiple choice

3. Matching

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