Inca at Inti Raymi Festival, Cuzco, Peru
Basic Expressions

Iman sutiyki? = What's your name?

Marilynmi sutiy. = My name is Marilyn.

Imaynallan (kashanki)? = How are you? (Hello).

Allillanmi (kashani). = I'm doing very well.

Manan allinchu (kashani). = I'm not doing well.

Taytanchis kutichipusunki / Yusulpayki / Yuspagara = Thank you (May our God repay you).

Imayllamanta. = You're welcome.

Maymantan kanki? = Where are you from?

Perumantan kani. = I'm from Peru.

ArĂ­ = Yes

Mana = No

Riki! = Of course!

Kusa! = Good!


1. Fill in the blank

2. Matching

3. Multiple choice

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