Digital Image Processing

Course Nos. ECE.09.452 and ECE.09.552

Instructor &
Office Hours

Course Schedule,
Notes and Assignments

Textbook &
Reference Texts

Tutorials and Demos

Grading &
Classroom Policies


Laboratory Report Format

  • Lab report must be submitted electronically by midnight on the due date as a PDF document in a zip folder with any other relevant files via e-mail to
  • Students enrolled for undergraduate credit (ECE09.452) can work in teams of a maximum of 3 students. One report per team.
  • Students enrolled for graduate credit (ECE09.552) must work individually. One report per student.
  • FOLLOW this NAMING CONVENTION for your folders and files –, Lastname1_Lastname2_Lastname3_Lab1.pdf. If you e-mail files/folders named, I will not grade them.

Page 1. Cover page 

  • Project Number
  • Project Title.
  • Course Number.
  • Student's name.
  • Date handed in.

Pages 2 - 5

  • Objective
  • Matlab functions used
  • Approach (Theory)
  • Procedure

Page 6 - 

  • Results (images, tables and graphs)
  • Discussion of Results and Conclusions. 


  • Program listings, etc.