Fluid Mechanics I 0901-341


Robert P. Hesketh


Rowan Hall 315

Phone Number:





Tuesday 09:25 AM - 12:05 PM JAMES 3117
Thursday 09:25 AM - 10:40 PM JAMES 3117

Homework, Quiz and Exam Solutions     

Log into http://blackboard.rowan.edu

Lecture Notes (Available on Blackboard)

·         Introduction to Course, Objectives, Syllabus

o    Team Problem Solving

o    Inductive Topic Order

·         Fluids Lab 1:  Introduction to Fluids Experiments

·         Fluid Statics

·         Fluid Flow without accounting for friction

o    The Bernoulli Equation - Neglecting Friction!

o    Mechanical Energy Balances,

·         Unsteady-State Mass Balances

o    Applications of Unsteady-State Mass Balances and Bernoulli’s Equation

o    Fluids Lab 2:  Tank Drainage & Siphon Experiments

o    Restrictions on the Use of the Bernoulli Equation

·         Computer Lab:  Introduction to POLYMATH Laboratory

·         Viscous Flow in Pipes

o    Fluids Lab 3:  Pressure Drop in Pipes

o    Fluids Lab 4:  Pressure Drop in Pipeline Elements

o    Computer Lab:  Problem Solving with Excel

o    Frictional Losses in Pipeline Elements

o    Aspen Computer Lab - Pressure Drop in Pipes

o    Economic Pipe Diameter, Economic Velocity

o    Laminar and Turbulent flow

o    Osborne Reynolds’ Demonstration

o    Laminar Flow Velocity Profile

o    Entrance Region and Fully Developed Flow

o    COMSOL Laboratory:  Developing Flows

·         Introduction to Pipe Flow Rate Measurements:  orifice, venturi and rotameter

o    Permanent and Temporary Pressure Loss

o    How to purchase a Flowmeter

o    Fluids Lab 4:  Rotameter – Variable Area Flowmeter

·         Mass, Energy, and Momentum Balances

·         Momentum Balance  Typical Forces: gravity, Pressure and Wall Shear Stress

o    Momentum Balances Applications:

o    7.3.1 Jet-Surface

o    7.3.2 Pipes

o    7.3.3 Rockets and Jets.

o    7.3.4 Sudden Expansion

o    7.3.5 Eductors, Ejects etc.

o    Aspirator laboratory

o    Impinging jet, Force on a Reducing Pipe Bend, Orifice Plate, Rotameter

o    Jet Ejector, Flow and Pressure Distribution in a Manifold

o    Feel the Force or Fun with Water Lab

o    Fluids Lab 5:  Flowmeters:

o    F1-15 Bernoulli’s Theorem Demonstration - venturi

o    F1-21 Flowmeter Demonstration – venturi and orifice plate

o    Hampden Circuit Demonstrator – flow measurement – orifice plate

·         Terminal Velocities:  Solid Objects and Spheres

·         Lab:  Measurement of Terminal Velocities

·         Dimensionless Numbers and Dimensional Analysis

Laboratories (Available on Blackboard)

·         Fluids Lab 1:  Introduction to Fluids Experiments

·         Fluids Lab 2:  Tank Drainage & Siphon Experiments

·         F1-15 Bernoulli’s Theorem – venturi

·         F1-17 Orifice and Free Jet Flow

·         Fluids Lab 2:  Pressure Drop in Pipes

·         Computer Lab:  Introduction to POLYMATH Laboratory

·         Fluids Lab 3:  Pressure Drop in Pipeline Elements

·         F1-22 Energy Losses in Bends and Fittings

·         Osborne-Reynolds Demonstration

·         Computer Lab:  Problem Solving with Excel

·         Aspirator laboratory

·         F1-16 Impact of a Jet

·         Feel the Force or Fun with Water Lab

·         Fluids Lab 4:  Flowmeters:

·         F1-21 Flowmeter – venturi and orifice plate

·         Hampden Circuit Demonstrator – flow measurement – orifice plate

·         Lab:  Measurement of Terminal Velocities

COMSOL Tutorials


POLYMATH Rowan Student version for home computer use (Rowan Students Only)
This can be found at POLYMATH version 6.1.  For off campus users you need a VPN connection

to access velocity computer and obtain this file.  The location of the file is:



Rowan Bookstore Site for all Textbooks for Process Fluid Transport

Website for Cutlip&Shacham POLYMATH Text

POLYMATH updates from Cutlip

Transport Processes and Separation Process Principles (Includes Unit Operations), 4th Edition, by Christie J. Geankoplis, Prentice Hall, PTR, 2003 (Amazon)

Online version from Safari Books

Fluid Mechanics for Chemical Engineers, 3rd Ed. By Noel de Nevers, McGraw-Hill, 2005. (FMChE)



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