Software Tools
Internally Developed Analyses
With exception of functions provided by Nex Technologies, All Software Copyright (c) 2002-2010 David M. Devilbiss.
- NeuroExplorer File Toolkit - A Toolkit for Reading/Writing and Manipulating .nex files. This is an extension of the currently avalable toolkit found on the Nex Technologies site:
- SPHERES - A Single Channel Sleep Scoring Algorithm alternative to SPEARS (Coming Soon...)
- Devilbiss-Waterhouse multiunit analysis suite - A Toolkit written in Matlab and Neuroexplorer Scripting languages to analyze neural data across different "brain states".
- Devilbiss-Waterhouse Behavior Control Suite - A Toolkit written for 1401plus and Spike2 Scripting languages (CED - Cambridge Electronic Design) as a state machine to control custom behavioral control system.