This syllabus is for section 5 only! If you are in a different section, see your professor to locate your syllabus.

Course Times

Tuesday 8:00 - 9:15 AM & Thursday 8 - 10:45 AM in Engineering Hall 140

Office Hours (Engineering Hall 234)

Mondays 9:30 - 10:30 AM, but feel free to stop by any time except during lunch, I'm generally in from 8 AM to 4 PM, except when I'm in class or at a meeting. I encourage you to use email to ask questions or make appointments to meet me.

Course Web-book Book

PathFinder is used to deliver a web-book with online exercises for FEC I. If you have not used it before, learn about PathFinder by going to the PathFinder website. Check out the second and third FAQs on the Help Tab. I will email you instructions for creating an account and/or creating your web-book for this course.


Communication outside of class is accomplished through this website and email. Emails are sent to your Rowan email address. Check your email every day. Emails sent to me outside of work hours may not be read until the next working day. Be professional when crafting your emails!


I consider this classroom to be a place where you will be treated with respect, and I welcome individuals of all ages, backgrounds, beliefs, ethnicities, genders, gender identities, gender expressions, national origins, religious affiliations, sexual orientations, ability – and other visible and nonvisible differences. All members of this class are expected to contribute to a respectful, welcoming and inclusive environment for every other member of the class. If you feel that your contribution is not valued for any reason, please speak with me privately. If you wish to communicate anonymously you may do so in writing or speak with the Office of Social Justice, Inclusion, Conflict Resolution (, 856-256-5496, Room 118, Robinson Hall).


If you have a documented disability that may have an impact upon your work, please let me know. Students must provide documentation to Disability Resources to receive official University services and accommodations ( | 856.256.4259). The Center is located on the 3rd floor of Savitz Hall. The staff is available to answer questions regarding accommodations or assist you in your pursuit of accommodations. Make sure you notify (856.256.4263) at least 5 days before a test if you need an accommodation.

Preferred Name

I am happy to use your preferred name, i.e., a name that affirms, reflects, and/or expresses your gender, culture, and/or other aspects of your social identity in the classroom. Unless you say otherwise, I will use the preferred name listed on the class roster.

Professional Behavior

As an engineering professional, it is extremely important that you treat people with respect and consideration. It is expected, therefore, that you will maintain good professional conduct throughout this course, in all your interactions with your peers and the instructor.

Rowan Success Network

The Rowan Success Network powered by Starfish is designed to make it easier for you to connect with the resources you need to be successful at Rowan. Throughout the term, you may receive email from the Rowan Success Network team regarding your academic performance. Please pay attention to these emails and consider taking the recommended actions. Utilize the scheduling tools to make appointments at your convenience including tutoring.

Tips for Success

Buy the web-book right away (if you cannot, talk to me now); Arrive at class on time and attend regularly; Prepare for class (this means reading your textbook, etc.); Do your homework and other assignments on time; Participate in class discussions; Stay connected to global news; Get involved in service activities; Get enough sleep; Have fun learning!


Jess W. Everett

Civil & Environmental Engineering

College of Engineering

Rowan University


Engineering Hall 234




See the general FEC I syllabus.

Learning Activities

Learning activities include preparation, listening and discussing, and practice.

  • By preparation, I mean reading technical information before class. This provides three benefits. First, students arrive in class with some introduction to the material to be covered. Second, assigned readings often cover course topics in greater breadth and/or depth than in class. Thus, students learn more. Finally, learning how to read technical information takes practice, just like learning how to play a sport or musical instrument. Many students in this class will spend their careers reading and creating technical information. By working through difficult readings in college, students are better prepared for their career.
  • You listen to some lecture, as this is an effective way to transmit information.
  • You also participate in class discussions and active learning activities.
  • Finally, you practice, by working problems in and out of class.

Evaluation Activities

Evaluation activities are linked to learning activities.

  • PathFinder BEFORE exercises (Quizzes) are used to evaluate your preparation for class. They are due BEFORE topics are covered in class. When I design BEFORE exercises, I assume that each student has carefully read the assigned material (but not memorized it). BEFORE exercises typically are multiple choice, but simple calculation problems may also be included. They are taken on-line, using PathFinder.
  • Assignments are used to evaluate the skills acquired on a given topic. Three kinds of assignments are used in FEC I: PathFinder AFTER, Traditional, and reflections. PathFinder AFTER exercises are done using PathFinder. They are calculation based. Traditional assignments are calculation or software-based problems turned in on paper or as pdfs. Reflection assignments get students to spend time thinking about course material in different ways from solving problems. They are submitted via Google.
  • Semester exams and a final are used to test your ability to independently solve problems. Exams are open notes plus specific handouts or pages from the web-book (that I identify). You can bring in anything you created yourself, i.e., hand-written or typed notes, drawings, etc. No photos, scans, or copies, except in the case of notes obtained from another student for a missed class session. The only electronic device that can be accessed during an exam is a calculator. The internet is off-limits. Students can only leave the test room if there is an emergency.

Guidance on completing PathFinder BEFORE and AFTER exercises can be found using the PathFinder Help Tab. General guidance is given on the FAQ Tab of my website. I will give each student one extension for a PathFinder chapter's online assignments (BEFORE or AFTER). Shoot me an email identifying the chapter and type (BEFORE or AFTER).

Your work must be your own; however, I encourage students to work together and even compare answers. If you discover different answers, discuss the problem and study each others' work, then rework and discuss until you agree on an answer (or agree to disagree). However, you should never find yourself typing or writing your homework while looking at some else's. That is copying! Please email, phone or stop by my office if--upon reviewing course materials and discussing with other students in the class--you are unable to complete a problem.




Grades are assigned as 92-100 = A, 90-91 = A-, 88-89 = B+, 82-87 = B,... The grading scheme is very fair and generous. Please do not complain about just missing the next grade up. You are strongly encouraged to obtain extra credit by attending engineering club meetings (up to three) and/or campus events (up to three) for a maximum of 3 points added to your course grade.

Your final score in each category is calculated by summing the points earned, dividing by the maximum possible points, then multiplying that fraction by the amount each category is worth. Online points are given on the Plan Tab on PathFinder.

More grading information is given in the general syllabus.

Academic Misconduct

You are encouraged to work together on assignments. However, copying is not acceptable. Copied assignments can receive a zero grade (both original and copies). For paper assignments, copying is writing on your paper while looking at another student's paper. When working electronically, copying is when two students are working on one computer or a student uses a file created by another student. Cheating on a test will cause the student to receive a zero grade, at a minimum.

Rowan University has a licensing agreement with Turnitin, an online service to help prevent student plagiarism. As part of this course I may use Turnitin at my discretion to determine the originality of your work. If your work is submitted to Turnitin, it will be stored in the Turnitin database. You have the right to refuse either to submit your work to Turnitin or have the university do so; availing yourself of this right will not negatively impact your success in the course. If you do not wish to use Turnitin you must notify me by e-mail before the fourth class period. If you object to the use of Turnitin, I will use other procedures to assess originality.


Inform me by email if you must miss class with good cause. In case of emergency, the email can be after the fact. Un-excused absence or late arrival causes points off your course grade (in the Professionalism/Ethics and/or Instructor Flex categories): one point per un-excused absence or 0.5 points per late arrival, up to 10 points.



Week of

Tuesday Activities

Thursday Activities



Sept. 2

Class Cancelled (attend Engineering Carnival Friday 12 - 3 PM instead)

Course/Section Introduction


Engineering Carnival


PF: RU Introduction

PF: Basic Apps

Sept. 9

Spatial Skills Test 1 (AS)*

RU Introduction

Library Skills (AS)

Basic Apps

Entrepreneurial Mindset (AS)

PF: Academic Success (AS)

PF: Engineering Communication 1

School Experience (due Sunday 9/16)

Sept. 16

Solving Problems*

Academic Success

3D Modeling

PF: Solving Problems

PF: Engineering Graphics

Library Skills HW

Sept. 23

Significant Figures

Academic Success

3D Modeling

PF: Significant Figures

Solving Problems HW

168-hour matrix

Sept. 30

Print 3D Objects


Measure 3D Objects

Product Archeology-Prepare

PF: Uncertainty

PF: Product Archeology

Lab Guide (Read)

Oct. 7


Prod Arch-Excavate

Experimental Design

PF: Engineering Statistics I

PF: Experimental Design

Prod Arch Anno Bib

3D Printing Video Confessional

Oct. 14


Prod Arch-Evaluate

PF: Engineers & Units

PF: Mid-Semester Check

3D Print Memo (Team)

Charting HW

Oct. 21

Student Panel

Prod Arch-Explain

Units HW

Post Homework Reflection

Oct. 28

Exam Review


Clean Energy Intro

Nov. 4


Spatial Skills Test 2

Spatial Skills Training

Solar Power Lab

Spatial Skills

PF: Engineering I

Prod. Arch. Report (Team)

Team experience reflection

Nov. 11

Solar Power Lab

Solar Power Lab

Spatial Skills

Clean Energy Anno Bib

Nov. 16

Solar Power Lab

No Class (Thanksgiving)

Spatial Skills

Nov. 25

Wind Power Lab

Wind Power Lab

Spatial Skills

Solar Lab Report

What? So What? Now What?

Dec. 2

Wind Power Lab

Team Presentation

Spatial Skills

Dec. 9

Final Exam Review

No Class

Presentation pdf (team)

Wind Lab Report

School Experience - post semester

Dec. 19

Final Exam

8 to 10 AM

Business 121

Comprehensive; Open Notes and Handouts

* Underline - Activity requires laptop; Italics - Activity requires calculator. Prod Arch, Solar, and Wind labs only need one laptop per team.



Assignments are due in the week they appear on the section 5 Schedule Tab (Assignment or Reflection columns).

The Reflection due date/time will be described in emails from Prof. Mallouk.

PathFinder BEFORE exercises are due at 11:59 PM on the Monday of the week they appear on the Schedule Tab. The exception is the first three chapters, which are due at 11:59 PM on Saturday of the first week. PathFinder BEFORE due dates are also given on the PathFinder Plan Tab

PathFinder AFTER exercise due dates are ONLY given on the PathFinder Plan Tab.

Each student can get ONE PathFinder extension per semester; ask for it via email. Be sure to state the chapter and type of exercise (BEFORE or AFTER).

Traditional assignments are due at the start of the Thursday class of the week they appear on the Schedule Tab, unless otherwise indicated. Late traditional assignments will be accepted for one week, but lose 10 % in each 24 hour period after the due date. Team assignments are clearly identified. Traditional assignments are described via email.

See my website FAQ for my grading abbreviations. See the FEC I web-book for guidance on formats for memos, reports, citations (Author Year), references, etc.