Description of Research
and evolution of perissodactyls:
What I am doing:
Much of my work has concerned the
evolutionary relationships among the members of
the Perissodactyla, the order of mammals
including horses, rhinos, tapirs, and their
fossil relatives. Perissodactyls have
a rich fossil record extending back at least
56 million years on North America, Europe, and
Asia. Perissodactyls later extended their
ranges into South America and Africa. My
work has focused on the early evolution of
the group, including the relationships among
the various fossil lineages from
the first 20 million or so years of
perissodactyl history. The primary goal of
this research is to determine the phylogenetic
relationships among these lineages,
typically represented as a branching "tree",
or cladogram.

An example of a
cladogram of early perissodactyls from my work.
How I do it:
Because it is largely based
on fossils, this research requires me to
travel to various museums around the world in
order to examine numerous specimens of fossil
(as well as living) perissodactyls. Because
fossils are so prominent in this work, my
data consist largely of scoring different
perissodactyl taxa (as well as some
non-perissodactyl "outgroups") for a variety
of characters based on their skeletal
anatomy. I analyze these
data using computer algorithms that determine
which tree best fits the data.
it is interesting to me:
Phylogenies are a critical component of
evolutionary studies, because they allow
us to consider ancestry when trying to
explain patterns in biodiversity.
The excellent fossil record of
perissodactyls makes them attractive as
the subject of evolutionary studies.
Phylogenies allow us to use that fossil record
to answer questions about where, when, and how
perissodactyls evolved.
The early radiation of
I am doing:
One of my long-term interests has been the
diversity of mammals and how they radiated
into so many forms. In addition to the
approximately 4000 living species of
mammals, there are a great many fossil taxa
of mammals, known as far back as the
Jurassic. The greatest diversity of
mammals is known from the Cenozoic
Era, which followed the mass
extinction at the end of the
Cretaceous. During the first
epochs of the Cenozoic, namely the
Paleocene and Eocene, we find the
earliest members of
many extant mammal lineages, but we also find
fossil mammals whose relationships to living
forms are not so clear. My current main
project is looking at the relationships
among some of these enigmatic fossils,
particularly a hodgepodge of groups that
look vaguely like primitive "hoofed" mammals
and are referred to as "condylarths".

reconstruction (from Savage and Long, The Evolution of
Mammals, 1986) and skull of Phenacodus, an
archaic "hoofed" mammal, or "condylarth".
How I do it:
Examining the phylogeny of mammals is similar in
its essence to how I study the phylogeny
perissodactyls. Again, because many of these
taxa are known only from fossils, I study
morphology, largely from teeth and
skeletons, in search of
evidence for relationships among different
mammal groups. Besides simply examining museum
specimens, in our lab we have also started
analyzing data from microCT scans of
specimens. This gives us a chance to look
inside of specimens, and gives us virtual
access to the morphology without having to
travel back and forth to museums.

skull of Arctocyon ferox.
Left, actual specimen. Right, isosurface model
based on microCT scan of the same specimen.
I also need to compare fossils to a wide
variety of extant mammals, for which we
also have data on DNA sequences. In
recent years, new methods have been
developed that allow me to do two
important things. One is that I can
use computer algorithms that use
both the morphology and the gene
data determine the phylogeny
of both extant and extinct taxa. Second,
these same algorithms combine information on
the ages of fossils with "molecular clocks"
based on the DNA sequences to determine when
different mammal lineages split from their
common ancestor.
it is interesting to me:
Mammal phylogeny is interesting because it
tells us something about our own ancestry.
In addition, understanding the shape and
timing of the branching of
the mammalian tree allows us to address the
possible causes of that diversification.
What role, if any, did the extinction of
dinosaurs play in the diversification of
mammals? Was the diversification
triggered by other causes, such as tectonic
movement of the continents?
evolution of complex traits in
What I am doing:
is one of the most interesting phenomena in
evolutionary biology. An interesting phenomenon
in the evolution of perissodactyls is the
repeated evolution of certain traits. Even our
incomplete knowledge of perissodactyl
phylogeny allows us to recognize that many
traits have evolved independently in different
perissodactyl lineages. For instance, all
three families of living perissodactyls are
large in comparison to their earlier
relatives, but it is clear that large
body size has evolved in each of these
three living lineages--as well as a number
of extinct ones--independently. Body size
increase is a complex trait with many
consequences for an organism's
biology. Other complex traits have
also evolved independently in
different perissodactyl lineages, such
as the tendency for the surface of
cheek teeth to be composed of crests
(lophodonty) rather than of bumps
(bunodonty), and the tendency for
premolars to resemble molars in
their morphology (premolar
molarization). The question this
raises is why these traits evolve
so many times. I am
interested in tracing the evolution
of these complex traits and looking
at possible causes for these
interesting cases of convergent

Cheek teeth of
a) Hyracotherium leporinum (cast), a
perissodactyl from the early Eocene of England, and b) a
mountain tapir (Tapirus pinchaque). Scale
bar = 1 cm. Molars and premolars are indicated by "M"
and "P", respectively. The tapir is much larger than Hyracotherium,
the surfaces of the tapir's teeth are formed by crests
(lophodont) rather than bumps (in contrast tothe
bunodont Hyracotherium), and the tapir's
premolars have the same "pi" shape as the molars
(molarized premolars), whereas the premolars of Hyracotherium
are distinctly different from the molars.
How I
do it:
My work on perissodactyl phylogeny equips
me with one of the tools I need for this
project, namely a phylogeny of
perissodactyls. A
phylogeny is necessary for tracing the evolution
of these traits and determining how often
they evolved. I also need a way to measure
these traits. This is relatively
straightforward for body size, but much less
so for assessing lophodonty and premolar
molarization. In my lab we are using
three-dimensional geometric morphometrics to quantify
tooth shape. What this means in
essence is that we use tools for plotting
the position of various landmarks on teeth
in three-dimensional space, and then,
with help of special software, we
compare the positions of these landmarks
on teeth from different individuals.
This allows us to come up with a
quantitative description of the
variation in tooth shape among our
it is interesting to me:
Once we can describe the variation in tooth
shape and relate it to lophodonty and premolar
molarization, we can use these data to address
questions about why convergence is happening.
For instance, do evolutionary changes in body
size, lophodonty, or premolar molarization
coincide with environmental change? Or are
changes in one of these traits (e.g., body
size) driving changes in the others?