1.Re-expression of
songs deleted during song
learning as potentially important signals for
migratory assemblage. Classic songbird
song learning theory stated
that once a bird finished developing song, called
crystallization, no further
changes to song was possible. In these two studies,
I challenged that view,
performing two studies to test how permanent adult
song was in a crystallized
bird. Using two different songbird,species commonly
used in song studies, I was
able to show that crystallized song could be lost if
a bird was prevented from
hearing his own song, and that songs removed during
selective attrition during
development could be seasonally reexpressed. These
studies indicate that adult
song is much more flexible than previously thought.
a.Hough II, G.E.,
Nelson, D.A., & Volman,
Re-expression of songs
deleted during vocal development in white-crowned
sparrows, Zonotrichia
leucophrys.Animal Behaviour, 60, 279-287. [Impact
factor: 3.4].
b.Hough II, G.E.,
& Volman, S.F.(2002). Short- and long-term effects of vocal
distortion on song maintenance in zebra finches.Journal
of Neuroscience, 22, 1177-1186. [Impact
factor: 7.4]
of how homing pigeons encode
environmental space in the hippocampus. My graduate studies into adult song led me
to my next research project
in homing pigeons, which have been selectively bred
by humans to be one of the
finest spatial navigation organisms. Because of
their unique ability to
navigate through large scale environmental space,
they make an intriguing
animal model for looking at how the brain area
necessary for spatial learning,
the hippocampus, compares to what we know about the
mammalian hippocampus. As
such, my research was the first to investigate the
connectivity and
environmental selectivity of the homing pigeon
hippocampus. Found that the
avian hippocampus was not only contained a similar
trisynaptic pathway, but
also contained place cell like,responsive neurons as
well as primate like spatial
view cells. Because of this series of experiments, I
was encouraged to continue
to develop this promising species as a model for
human diseases affecting the hippocampus.
a.Hough, G.E., Pang,
K.C.H., & Bingman,
V.P. (2002).Intrahippocampal
in the pigeon (Columba livia) as revealed by
stimulation evoked
field potentials.Journal of Comparative
Neurology, 452, 297-309.
b.Kahn, M.C.*,
Hough, G.E., TenEyck, G.R.,
& Bingman, V.P. (2003).Internal
connectivity of the homing pigeon (Columba livia)
hippocampal formation: An
anterograde and retrograde tracer study.Journal of Comparative Neurology, 459,
c.Hough G.E. &
Bingman V.P.(2004).Spatial response properties of homing pigeon
hippocampal neurons:
correlations with goal locations, movement between
goals, and environmental
context in a radial-arm arena.Journal
of Comparative Physiology A: Sensory, Neural, and
Behavioral Physiology, 190,
d.Bingman, V.P.,
Gagliardo, A., Hough, G.E.,
Ioalé, P., Kahn, M.C.*, & Siegel, J.J.*(2005).The avian hippocampus,
homing in pigeons and the memory representation of
large-scale space.Journal of Integrative and Comparative
Biology, 45, 555-564.
e.Hough, G.E., &Bingman,
V.P. (2008). Rotation of Visual
Landmark Cues Influences the Spatial Response
Profile of Hippocampal Neurons in
Freely-moving Homing Pigeons.Behavioral
Brain Research, 187, 473-477.
3.Contributed to a
complete revision of the anatomical
terms in the avian brain.
Because of my work in homing pigeon neuroanatomy and
neurophysiology, as well
as my prior work in songbirds, I was invited to
participate in the Avian Brain
Nomenclature Forum, a consortium of scientists
dedicated to updating the
anatomical terminology of the avian brain, updating
terms to reflect advances
in developmental biology, cellular biology, and
physiological studies. I contributed
to numerous discussions
regarding the homologies between the avian and
mammalian brain, which led to
several high impact publications as a result of
the forum.
a.Reiner, A.,
Perkel, D.J., Bruce, L., Butler,
A.B., Csillag, A., Kuenzel, W., Medina, L., Paxinos,
G., Shimizu, T.,
Striedter, G.F., Wild, M., Ball, G.F., Durand, S.,
Güntürkün, O., Lee, D.W.,
Mello, C.V., Powers, A., White, S.A., Hough, G.,
Kubikova, L., Smulders, T.V.,
Wada, K., Dugas-Ford, J., Husband, S., Yamamoto, K.,
Yu, J., Siang C., &
Jarvis, E.D.(2004).
nomenclature for avian telencephalon and some
related brainstem nuclei.Journal
of Comparative Neurology, 473, 377-414.
[Impact factor: 3.8]
b.Jarvis, E.D.,
Güntürkün, O., Bruce, L.,
Csillag, A., Karten, H., Kuenzel, W., Medina, L.,
Paxinos, G., Perkel, D.J.,
Shimizu, T., Striedter, G.F., Wild, M., Ball, G.F.,
Dugas-Ford, J., Durand, S.,
Hough, G., Husband, S., Kubikova, L., Lee, D.W.,
Mello, C.V., Powers, A.,
Siang, C., Smulders, T.V., Wada, K., White, S.A.,
Yamamoto, K., Yu, J., Reiner,
A., & Butler, A.B.(2005). Avian brains
and a new understanding of vertebrate brain
Reviews: Neuroscience, 6, 151-159.
4.The first to
demonstrate age-related declines
in spatial working memory in birds. My most recent work has been the result of
an active collaboration
between my former postdoctoral mentor and my
undergraduate student. Vincent
Coppola and I were the first to investigate the
changes in working memory
across the lifespan of homing pigeons, which led to
the first publication
demonstrating a working memory decline in age
pigeons. This line of research is
in its infancy, but promises to not only expand our
knowledge of the effects of
aging on the brain, but assist in developing new
treatments to detect and
remediate age related declines in working memory in