The MarsCloudLab is located in Science Hall 105 which is a dedicated computational facility. The room is sectioned into two work "pods" of four stations each with a divider giving the room a bulletin board for notices and a whiteboard for brainstorming sessions. There are 6 CentOS (Red Hat 4.8.5-11) based workstation with an Intel Core i7-2600 3.40GHz CPU and 4 GB of RAM and an NVIDIA GF106GL (Quadro 2000) video card. Dr. Klassen's workstation runs the same OS and software on an Intel Xeon E5-1650v2 3.50GHz CPU with 32 GB of RAM. They all connect to a central data server that currently has 500 GB of storage and a central license server for our 10-seat Mini-Lab IDL license. For larger tasks, the lab owns two nodes on the Rowan University Computer Cluster; these compute nodes have 2 Intel Xeon E5.2670v3 2.3GHz CPUs each with 12 cores and 64 GB of RAM. They are connected a 24 TB storage node. The system uses SLURM for submission of background computational tasks. The lab houses the departmental HP Designjet Z5400 for printing presentation posters.
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