TURTLES UNLIMITED LLC. is a long standing wildlife preservation and proliferator of Testudines (Order all turtles fall into), wishing to see the spread and love of all Turtles on this Earth!

Created in 1993 by founder Turtles Bill (pictured right), TURTLES UNLIMITED LLC. has been the prime distributor of over 834 MAIL-IN TURTLES over the past 15 years

TURTLES UNLIMITED LLC. IS NOT RESPONSIBLE for any reported “inhumane” shipping methods of reptiles, or any false reports of human death involved in the cultivation process as clarified by Supreme Court Justice Ginsburg September 26th, 1995.

Turtles Bill
howard and fred
With all our turtles sourced locally from waterways and hospitals (not a transphoton reactor), theres no better place for infinite turtles at the snap of your fingers! Legally TURTLES UNLIMITED LLC. has never given any punishment to any internal "whistleblowers" pertaining to corporate trade secrets requiring police involvement. Rats are dealt with as pests.
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