Digital Image Processing

Course Nos. ECE.09.452 and ECE.09.552

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For a brief introductory tutorial on the Matlab Image Processing Toolbox, click here

Classroom Demos

Caveat - Read this before you download any of the demos!

These MATLAB programs were written for classroom demonstration purposes only. Which means, they are NOT masterpieces of coding elegance, efficiency, structure or organization. You are welcome to use them for your class projects, but only at your own risk. You will notice that some of the demos do not perform any computations - they are pure demos. 

If you find any errors, I would appreciate you letting me know. 

Feel free to contact me if you have any problems running these demos, 

Shreekanth Mandayam

·       Sampling

·       Quantization

·       Spatial Filtering

o   Low-Pass Filtering

o   High-Pass Filtering

o   Gradients and Edge Detection

o   Prewitt’s Gradient

·       DFT Properties

o   Conjugate Symmetry

o   Rotation

·       Spatial Filtering

o   Lowpass Filters

o   Highpass Filters

o   Edges and Gradients

o   Prewitt’s Gradient Filter

·       Spectral Filtering

o   Lowpass Filter

o   Highpass Filter

·       Blurring and Inverse Filtering

o   Readme.txt

§  circ.m

§  psf.m

§  blur.m

§  restore.m

o   Degradation Filter

·       Dithering

·       Hotelling or Karhunen-Loeve Transform (Download all these files and run kltdemo)

o   kltdemo.m

o   picard.mat

o   data.mat

o   geordi.mat

o   beverly.mat

o   riker.mat

o   troi.mat

·       Fourier Descriptors