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HW 1 - Due January 25 |
Read the homework policy (see "Policy tab at top of this page). Send me an email stating that you have read it. |
HW 2 - Due February 25 |
1. Estimate the concentration in mg/L, ppm, M, and Mole Fraction.
2. Estimate the concentration in mg/L, M and N
3. Check electroneutrality
and determine alkalinity, total hardness,
HW 3- Due March 4 |
1. Use the decreasing rate of return method to estimate the 2005 and 2020 populations (initial and design year, respectively), given the following data. Be sure to include the equation and a graph.
2. The per capita water demand during drought years is predicted to be 700 LPCD. The maximum day peak factor is estimated to be 1.9, while the peak hour factor is 1.5. Estimate the Annual Average Day, Maximum Day, and Peak Hour demand during the design year (all in cubic meters per day). 3. Estimate the fire demand during the design year using the same equation we used in class. Report it in cubic meters per day. Use Table 4-13 to estimate the required duration of the fire demand. What is the total amount of water needed to supply the fire flow over the required duration? 4. Determine the design flow for the distribution system. 5. Determine the design flow for the water treatment plant. |
HW 4- Due March 11 |
1. What is the hydraulic residence
time of the plug flow reactor? Plot the expected behavior of pulse and step tracers in the reactor (by hand).
2. What is the hydraulic residence
time of the completely mixed flow reactor?
3. For the data given below, determine the actual mean residence time and three tracer flush times (t10, t50, and t90).
4. Determine the power input and velocity gradient caused by a paddle flocculator.
HW 5 - Due April 3 |
1. A surface water is to be coagulated with ferric chloride. Determine the lb/million gallons of ferric chloride needed. Determine the lb/million gallons of ferric hydroxide produced. Determine the alkalinity deficit or surplus, in mg/L as CaO. Given:
2. Determine the quick lime and soda ash dosages needed for excess lime softening. Determine the total amount of carbon dioxide needed if, in the second recarbonation step, 75% of the carbonate is to be converted to bicarbonate. Draw a bar chart for each step of the process. Draw a schematic of the process.
3. Determine the quick lime and soda ash dosages needed for selective calcium removal for the water described in problem 2. Determine the total amount of carbon dioxide needed if, in the recarbonation step, 75% of the carbonate is to be converted to bicarbonate. Draw a bar chart for each step of the process. Draw a schematic of the process. Remember, in selective calcium removal only the Ca is removed by precipiation, so determine your lime and soda ash dosages accordingly. Also, don't add excess lime! |
HW 6 - Due April 17 |
14. Evaluate the performance
of an ideal clarifier (Type I settling). Calculate the Overflow Rate.
15. The settling velocity of an alum floc is given below. Calculate the equivalent overflow rate in gpd/sq-ft. Assume Type I settling. What is the detention time needed (hours) to settle the floc in an ideal basin of the given depth? (Taken from Water Supply and Pollution Control).
16. Two rectangular clarifiers are as described below. Flow is split evenly. Calculate the overflow rate, detention time, horizontal velocity of flow, and weir loading of one clarifier. Are they acceptable? (Taken from Water Supply and Pollution Control). Reference your check criteria!
17. Calculate the required diameter and depth of a circular sedimentation basin. Will a single weir, 0.46 m from the inside of the basin wall, suffice? (Taken from Water Supply and Pollution Control).
18. Determine the required dimensions of a single rectangular sedimentation basin. Design the weir (schematic with dimensions). (Taken from Water Supply and Pollution Control).
HW 7 - Due April 23, by noon |
1. Design a rapid filtration
unit operation. Indicate the number of filters and the dimensions of each
(in plan view only).
2. You conduct a series of adsorption experiments with equal volume and GAC mass. Determine the coefficients for the Linear Freundlich, Freundlich, and Langmuir Isotherms. Which appears to best describe the data? Over what range of data? Use R2 and the F statistic to check. Plot all observed & predicted x/m data vs Ce on an arithmetic graph as a final check.
3. The synthetic resin XA-1 is used to reduce the concentration of the organic chemical HL-2. Determine the amount of Gorbochov needed. "Initial Conc." = concentration of water to be treated. "Final Conc." = target concentration for treated water.
4. The synthetic resin XA-1 is used to reduce the concentration of the organic chemical HL-2. Determine the amount of Gorbochov needed. "Initial Conc." = concentration of water to be treated. "Final Conc." = target concentration for treated water.
HW 8 - Due May 6 |
1. Check the design of a disinfection
tank for a surface water treatment plant
Determine the following:
2. Design a chlorination tank
for a groundwater treatment plant (a) in a 12 " pipe.
Determine the following: