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Essential information on
Physical Therapy

To become a Physical Therapist, one much attend a graduates program to attain their Doctorates of Physical Therapy. These programs can be very competitive.
A Physical Therapist must be willing to work hands on with patient day in and day out. It is a mentally draining position. An individual must pass got through the PTCAS in order to earn a license.
Top Ten Physical Therapy schools in the US.
A major aspect of Physical Therapy is the Home Exercise Program the PT gives their patients. A typical patient that comes in for treatment three days a week will only receive a total of three hours of hands on care. It is essential that the PT stresses the importance of abiding by the designated home exercise program.
Some sample Home Exercise Programs
What Physical Therapy is all about is helping the patient. There are multiple associations and programs that aim to help better connect the world of physical therapy. A major one is the American Physical Therapy Association, which has over 93,000 members.

Some Daily Duties of a Physical Therapist
Quality patient care
Diagnose and manage patients injuries
Prevent the onset or worsening of symptom
Log detailed notes on each session
Some more duties

Common Confusions:
Outpatient rehabilitation is used to refer to treatment that is not admitted at the hospital, including treatment at Physical therapy clinics. Inpatient rehabilitation is services, including physical therapy, that one receives while in a hospital. More info
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