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An average day in
Physical Therapy

My experience as an aide at a Physical Therapy clinic gives me knowledge on how a typical session plays out in an outpatient facility.
I will give a summary what the patient experiences on an average day to give a better understanding of Physical Therapy.

The Set up
When the patient walk in the facility they will likely have to wait a few minutes while the PT wraps up with the patient from the prior hour. Some patients may begin with a moist hot pack to loosen up muscle tightness.
Warm Ups
Once the PT brings back the patient, they will walk them back to begin with an exercise designed to prepare the patient for more difficult exercises. Riding the bicycle for five minutes is a common warm up for those with lower extremity injuries or shoulder blade squeezed for those with cervical/shoulder involvement. All warm ups can be performed typically while the PT interacts with the patient about their pain level after the prior session as well as current symptoms or concerns.

Exercises in Physical Therapy vary greatly depending on the injury, but all are typically performed every session a patient comes in. The PT will always monitor and increase the weights used for exercises to ensure that progression is evident. A common stability exercise could be alternating bicep curls, and the PT will first demonstrate proper form. After the form is learned to PT will allow the patient to complete the appropriate number of repetitions. It is important to have the proceeding exercise ready for the patient because it maximizes time as well as showing the patient they are important and being taken care of.

Stretching/ Treatment
Stretching and working hands on with a patient is a key component of physical therapy. It gives the PT direct feedback on how the patient is progressing as well as giving the patient the feeling importance. Hands on work allows the PT to vary the results of a activity depending on the specific patient. Some patients benefit from different methods of the same exercise, so the PT can make changes on the go because they are directly involved and ready. Treatments may also involve the use of ultrasound and electrical stimulation. These treatments directly affect the involved area on the patient and typically give great temporary relief of pain.

Traction or Cool Down
Depending on the pain level the patients always have the opportunity to ice down with a cold ice pack at the end of their session, this helps relieve some of the pain that had accumulated during their session and gives them time to take a second to relax after working hard. Some patients will also receive mechanical traction or manual traction as well. Gaping of the spine is a common traction method and a table that pulls with a designated force to gap the spine and give great relief in pain. Patient can greatly benefit form traction at the end of their session.

Home Exercise Program
Important aspects of Physical Therapy is the home exercise program. There are twenty four hours in a day and only of those is spent with the PT. The construction of a good HES is what is going to assist the patent in making gains in their rehabilitation process. Exercises performed at home are meant to continue the progress, but exercises at home are also not as intense as those performed in the facility, for safety reasons. It is important the PT makes clear to the patient what they should and should not be doing at home. Some HES are available online.