Week |
Topic |
Week 1 (Sep 7, 8) |
Course Introduction Review of Scalars and Vectors Intro to Unix Lab Lab Project 1 |
Lecture 1a Assignment 1 Lecture 1b |
Week 2 (Sep 14, 15) |
Scalar and Vector Fields Time-harmonic Fields: Phasors and Complex Vectors Maxwell's Equations Wednesday, Sep 15: QUIZ 1; 12:40 - 1:30 PM |
2 |
Lecture 2a Lecture 2b Assignment 2 |
Week 3 (Sep 21, 22) |
Electrostatic Fields Field/Potential calculations for symmetric charge distributions Lab Project 2 |
Lecture 3a Lecture 3b Lab 2: Pre-lab Lecture PDE Toolbox Tutorial |
Week 4 (Sep 28, 29) |
Electrostatic Field/Potential calculations for asymmetric
distributions |
Lecture 4a Assignment 3 |
Sep 29 |
Midterm Examination (2 hour
Fall 2004 Midterm |
Week 5 (Oct 5, 6) |
Electrostatic Force and Energy Direct Currents |
12 |
Lecture 5b Assignment 4 |
Week 6 (Oct 12, 13) |
Magnetostatic Fields Field/Potential calculations for symmetric & asymmetric current distributions Magnetic Materials & Circuits Wednesday, Oct 13: QUIZ 2; 12:40 - 1:40 PM |
13 |
Lecture 6a Lecture 6b |
Week 7 (Oct 19, 20) |
Electroquasistatics Magnetoquasistatics Lab Project 3 |
15 |
Lecture 7a Lecture 7b Lab 3: Pre-lab Lecture |
Wednesday Oct 27 |
Instructor | Schedule | Textbook | Tutorials | Grading | Homepage |