CI-TEAM Demonstration: Interactive and Collaborative Learning Environment using Virtual Reality Games


Cyber Infrastrcture for Education and Learning:
Empower the Future (CELEF)

National K-12 Educator Workshop
July 10-11, 2012 in South Jersey Technology Park at Rowan University

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) are essential to our society’s future competiveness and growth. Cyberinfrastructure tools—networks, simulations, and other digital technologies--have had profound impacts on the practice of science, engineering, and education. Enhanced engineering education with cyberinfrastructure learning experiences in K-12 classrooms transcends the boundaries of formal and informal learning. Students engage with scientific models, simulations, and data sets in a more visual, interactive, and concrete manner. They establish at an earlier age an accurate understanding of engineering applications and career preparation.

We need to provide teachers with the materials and skills to assume active roles in the delivery of innovative engineering education experiences.

Cyberinfrastructure for Education and Learning: Empower the Future was designed with this goal in mind. With the support from the National Science Foundation (NSF), this 2-day workshop will be offered through collaboration between the College of Engineering at Rowan University, the College of Engineering at Tennessee State University, and the Educational Information and Resource Center (EIRC). The workshop features cyberinfastructure technologies, 21st century skills, and project based learning. Workshop graduates will have the instructional design skills to effectively use learning game modules in their technology-based or project-lead-the-way (PLTW) courses.

  • Participants will work with the EIRC educational technology program director and Rowan’s renowned College of Engineering faculty on experiments that can be duplicated with their students
  • Free on-campus housing available
  • Meals provided during the workshop
  • A $300 stipend, paid in increments, is available for those who participate in the two-day workshop and one follow-up Wiki workshop.

Tuesday, July 10        		Opening ceremony
        				Workspace Wiki review
					Overview of project-based Learning
					Exploration of “SustainCity” –cyber-based learning games closely 
					aligned with technology-based and PLTW courses

Wednesday, July 11 Overview of 21st Century Skills and their alignment with lesson plans Lesson plan development Presentation and demonstrations Closing ceremony and next steps on WiKi collaboration
Full details, schedule, contact information, and registration for the event available in the brochure below:
Full Brochure Here
Right-click and click "Save link as..." to download a copy.