CI-TEAM Demonstration: Interactive and Collaborative Learning Environment using Virtual Reality Games

Project Team Information

Three groups of faculty, graduate students and undergraduate students at Rowan University, Tennessee State University, and Educational Information and Resource Center (EIRC) are working collaboratively on the project.

Rowan University Team:
Academic Standing Name Role
Advisor Dr. Ying Tang Manages entire project timeline
Advisor Dr. Jahan Kauser Manages entire project timeline
Undergraduate Student Aaron Johnson Coding
Undergraduate Student Bradley Ebinger ''
Undergraduate Student Chris Franzwa Modeling
Undergraduate Student Justin Litowiz ''

Tennessee State University Team:
Academic Standing Name Role
Advisor Dr. Sachin Shetty Manages entire project timeline
Advisor Dr. Samuel Hargrove Manages entire project timeline
Graduate Student Swetha ''

Educational Information and Resource Center:
Academic Standing Name Role
Advisor John Henry Program director