Microsensors and Microelectronics Laboratory

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Rowan University Related

Rowan Engineering Advising: wiki page for E.A.S.E. (Ensuring Academic Success in Engineering) in COE
Rowan International Center: resources for international students and scholars

Soft Robotics

Soft Robotics Education: soft robotics educational modules developed at Rowan University
Soft Robotics Toolkit: a great resource for researchers and students who are interested in soft robotics

Micro and Nanotechnology

nanoHUB: computational nanotechnology research, education, and online resources
NCN: network for computational nanotechnology
NEEDS: nano-engineered electronic device simulation node

Mechanical and Electrical Engineering

MecMovies: an educational website for engineering students to learn about mechanics and materials
VMSE (Virtual Materials Science and Engineering): interactive modulesf crystal structures and phase diagrams
3D Crystal Viewer: an interactive module about crystal structures
Dynamic Maps, GIS Data, & Analysis Tools: solar maps from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
U.S. Solar Radiation Resource Maps: general trends for the amount of solar radiation in the U.S. by NREL
Effect of Light Intensity on Solar Cells: an interactive model to show light intensity effect on solar cell parameters
Photovoltaic Education Network: a collection of resources for the photovoltaic educator


Mechanical EngineeringHenry M. Rowan College of EngineeringRowan University